Patented Third Boom Assembly

When your tracks are moving you are wasting time when you could be cutting. Over the course of a contract that constant back-and-forth motion can add up to a lot of wasted time and money. The solution? Double your reach area with our patented third boom assembly.

  • Reaches further away and higher up than any other brush cutter attachment
  • Treats more area from a stationary position than any other brush cutter
  • Reduces swing radius
  • Increases material handing capability

Video showing articulations of third boom with optional tilt mount. Model HD480B brush cutter on 20 ton excavator.

More than just an excavator boom extension, the third boom extends the reach of a "SLASHBUSTER"® brush cutter by up to ten feet and increases articulation of the assembly. The third boom is featured on models HD 480B, HD 420B, XL 480SB and XL 480B.

limbing a tree with the thrid boom
clearing vegetation beneath bruidgeclearing vegetation on railroad
HD 420B with third boom extended

HD 420B brush cutter with third boom mounted on a John Deere 200C LC excavator